Thursday, March 29, 2012

The New Deck!


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Soccer Results

Yeah! Meghan's team won their first game, 3-1. Meghan scored two of the goals. She had a bit of an attitude during the game because she wanted to play goalie. She didn't get to, and then ignored Coach Peter when he congratulated her on her goals. She also didn't get to wear her big headband and that irritated her. It's hard being Meghan!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Our Afternoon in Liberty!

I love the signs that we stole from another person's seats!
Beautiful chapel. Look at that goofball in the hat-We could have sat there afterall.
I can't believe that they didn't choose Maggie to be the security dog.
Look at these losers in the back.
It's the flag Nazi.
Poor Jim Talent. It's too bad that he lost to Claire McCaskill.

He's adorable!
This was a lot of fun. Thanks for going with me!