Thursday, May 19, 2011

Baseball Tournament

We had more exciting games at the ball park this weekend. Unfortunately, they didn't get to play in the championship game, but they tried their best!

James, improving his skills as third baseman, eyes a pop fly!!

He caught it for the out. Matt Franklin is running over to help.

Getting ready to throw it to homeplate...

He looks very relieved!

Just admiring his 'handy-work'...

And we can't forget our little girl, entertaining herself playing with the rocks...


  1. Wow....what adorable photos! I can't determine who is more delightful to see a picture of James or Meghan! I love the way James 'eyes' the pop up....he is adorable. Yes, Meghan does indeed enertain herself. I feel so badly that she did not get to golf tonight...I feel badly that I didn't get to golf too...and DAD is sorry he did not get to take her home and say "hellow kiddies"! Love the pictures. Love you, Mom

  2. You forgot to put Meggie's golf on the schedule!!!

  3. I...LOVE james's Baseball photos! I wonder how his next game will go.


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