Monday, May 9, 2011

Job Numero Dos

I'm contemplating quitting my second job at the end of the summer. Since I plan to pursue National Board certification, I would rather spend time with the kiddies and concentrate more on school. I've grown very tired of going to a job (at 6:00 in the evening, no less) that I really don't care for anymore. Any thoughts???


  1. Go for it!!!! I have long thought that is way to long a day for you when you have three adorable kiddies at home who are growing up way to quickly....I just realized yesterday that Nick will be out of the house in two years! Yes, you need to quit! Do you really have to wait until the end of the summer?????

  2. Here is the post that I posted yesterday under Mother's Day...
    love your post and pictures! Ron is a saint for entertaining June-Bug...I take back everything I ever said about him!!! Love you and thanks again for a wonderful day!

  3. My house smells....I donj't know if it is because she is getting older or that horrid perfume...wonder how I will get it our of my house????? Minus 14 hours and counting!

  4. Agreed on the stopping the second job after summer-I'm only going to do it through August because I really have no reason not to work during the summer. After a few days of being in the house with M & J, I'm sure I'll be ready for a break!!


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